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On the 9th Day of Christmas...

Writer's picture: Xoxo, ChrisXoxo, Chris

I feel like I am chasing my own tail. Running around and around in circles and accomplishing very little except an occasional bite of fur in my mouth. And when I feel that bite - I stopped stunned, like where did that come from? Anyone else feel that way?

That's not how Hallmark delivers the holidays. Hallmark lets us believe that every holiday, all families are excited to see each other, and cookies are constantly in the oven, but never burned. Every young romance blossoms and though a disagreement always ensues, love conquers all. Oh, yes. I too can be sucked in quickly with those lovely Hallmark movies. (One was filmed in Covington a couple of years ago. My hometown has lots of good movies filmed here!)

We have about a week left before the magic of Christmas is over. Presents will be given, diets will be discussed, decorations will come down and be stored until next year. Some people count down the days until Christmas ends, and some listen to Christmas music year round. No matter which type of person you are, I want to encourage you: Stop. Take a deep breath in. Release slowly. Look around you, I mean really take in the sites and sounds. The twinkling of the lights, the dishes of goodies prepared by friends. Take the next week or so and intentionally enjoy at least one thing a day. My research says that The Ninth Day of Christmas

Nine Ladies Dancing - This symbol represents the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit: love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Oh, how the 9th day symbolizes so much of the fruits! During Christmas, do we not have to exercise these fruits? Love (for the crowds). Joy (when we want to be bah-humbugs). Kindness (in adopting families for the holidays). Goodness (in sharing to those less fortunate). Self-control (not buying self something every shopping visit!) On the 9th day of Christmas, Curvy Market wants to give away a $15 gift card. To enter, simply comment on this blog which fruit of the spirit that you think is your strongest, and give us an example of why. I know it's difficult to talk about ourselves in a fashion of goodness, so I know this will be hard, but we want to hear how you practice love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control! A winner will be drawn on Saturday!


7 comentários

Tessa Mann
Tessa Mann
20 de dez. de 2021

Peace describe s me cause I don't like to argue with anyone and that's how I love it to be in my house


18 de dez. de 2021

Faithfulness. God has shown Himself faithful even in the midst of our hard times. We just need to open our hearts and eyes some days to recognize his goodness. I try to be a faithful servant of God and a faithful friend and person.


18 de dez. de 2021

This is a tough one. There is something in each of them that is so huge in my life. Kindness is one that stands strong in my life, heart and soul. I try to show kindness to anyone I meet and come in contact with. I try to make sure that it brings a smile to their face. We have enough struggles and heartache in life that it just fills me up when I can bring a smile to someones face.


Sandra Rodriguez
Sandra Rodriguez
17 de dez. de 2021

Definitely patience for me or so everyone says 😆 With 3 kids and a husband and a grandson, not to mention the different personalities at work, I have to have A LOT! I don‘t get upset easily and I let my family get away with a lot. But, I still love them 🥰


17 de dez. de 2021

Peace best describes me because I absolutely hate arguing. I will do anything I can to avoid an arguement.

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