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Off to Lowe's I go - Pt. 3

Writer's picture: Xoxo, ChrisXoxo, Chris

Yesterday, I felt so accomplished! My dad and I sat the day before and designed the new closet space. By closet space, I mean how I was going to display the clothes for sale at the new Curvy Market. Together we mathematically calculated how much of each item I would need and I went on a fun run to Lowe's in search of all the items. Rise and shine. At 8am I was sitting in the parking lot in the city adjacent to Covington, as we have a Home Depot but what I wanted was sold only through Lowe's in Conyers. I gathered my list, entered a man's store (ok, it's a store for everyone, but I know little about tools and gadgets and such, so, it's a man's store to me. like a maternity story is to a man), and proceeded to even find a rolling cart that I needed. (Which, I should interject, was located outside where it was raining, after I had gone inside and basically searched every aisle for the kind of cart I needed.) With list in hand like a pro on a mission, I found the nearest employee to assist me. These items I was seeking were 10' long and higher on a shelf, so I was thankful to have some help. This kind man walked with me every step of the way until I reached the register. It was great.

I did have to load them in my car myself, in the rain, but what's a little dirt on the hands? One of my sisters says often, "God made dirt and dirt don't hurt." Interestingly, she hates the outside, she hates dirt, and she hates getting dirty. I should probably ask her to reevaluate her theories.

My dad was super concerned over the length of the metal bars and if they would fit in my vehicle. Oh, but I knew I had that part under control. Women are known for making one trip carrying 72 bags of groceries, and for making things fit. In this case, I made it fit with the doors closed and the windows rolled up!

And by the way, I never said I looked cute at Lowe's. I said I was on a mission like a pro, so I left the cuteness at home, donned the ponytail and paint clothes, left the makeup, forgot the earrings, and headed to a store filled mostly with men. Pfft. I am a single woman. In retrospect, I should have rethought that plan! So, what does our closet look like? The transition is coming soon!


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