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Just Breathe!

Writer's picture: Xoxo, ChrisXoxo, Chris

Updated: Jan 19, 2022

No one likes to blog about sickness, unless you are writing a medical journal. In that case - write away. I, however, am not writing a medical journal and therefore I do not want to write about sickness. Instead, I wanna write about what helped while I was sick. Recently I caught Covid 19 Pneumonia. Like so many others who have also caught it, it was not any fun. In fact - it was scary. Very scary. Every one is different, and every treatment plan is different for each person. I know for me, however, there were a few over-the-counter key essentials that helped me battle the struggle I was having with breathing. I have used these remedies in the past when I have had bronchitis or sinusitis, though this time, I used it as if my life depended on it. And I truly think it did. Please note that I do not rep for these medicines, although my amazon link is an affiliate link. I am sharing this info with you because I do not want you to experience the fear I had without knowing about some items that can help you too, if you were to need them. I had mine on hand already and I couldn't be more thankful. First, I used a doTerra Essential Oil called Breathe. It is a respiratory blend of essential oils that immediately opens my airways. I have tried several other types, but have found that this blend targeting the breathing works better than any blend for me. I know there are doTerra reps available, but you can also snag it directly from Amazon, if and when you do not have a DoTerra person near you.

I am not an expert in essential oils, but I am told that some can be applied directly to the body, some through carrier oils, etc. I know for the Breathe Oil, I used it in a diffuser. I have included a link to a Amazon recommended diffuser, but I am not partial to any particular type. Just something that is easy to operate and will cover the square footage of your space. This one is low priced and appealing to the eye, but there are literally hundreds to choose from.

The second part of my over-the-counter regimen that I LIVE by, use, panic if I run low on it, use it throughout the year and not just when I am sick is the doTerra Breathe Vapor Stick. I cannot say enough about this product. It is similar to something like Vicks Vapor Rub in a stick form, except that for me, the scent is not as strong as Vicks but the effects are instant and more powerful. If you have ever been in my local store, you may have seen it on my desk or at the checkout counter, as I keep it with me most all the time and use it regularly. This is hands down a life-saver for me, and creates the biggest breathing relief when I need it. Even if essential oil is not your thing, this Breathe Vapor Stick should be. I simply cannot say enough good things about it.

I know, I know. It seems I am sharing to sell. And I am, in a way. You can buy it directly through my links. Or you can buy it from a local rep if you prefer. It's not about the sale to me. It's about struggling for every breath the past two weeks and these two items being a hug part of my saving grace. I was administered an inhaler, and it helped too. It also made me vomit every single use. The doTerra essential oil and breathe stick had very similar effects in that it gave me some breath to breathe, without throwing up. Stay safe, friends. Keep washing your hands and using precautions while living your life. Don't be controlled by fear with any sickness, but be smart in your daily routines so that you may not have to go through what I did, if you have not already. I am excited to see you on a live soon. xoxo, Chris


1 Comment

Beth Day Hunt
Beth Day Hunt
Jan 17, 2022

Love you and i am so glad you are on the mend. I miss your face, and voice, and laugh, and everything else. You, i miss you! Hugs and get well kisses!

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